D S Simon Media conducted a nationwide media tour in conjunction with U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation discussing Civics in Action: Students Compete for National Civics Bee Title in Washington.
NEW YORK, Nov. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --
On November 12 in Washington, D.C., a championship took place that wasn’t about sports, spelling, or science. It’s about something even more powerful: civics. Twenty-seven students, representing the hopes and futures of every American, came together in the nation’s capital for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation's National Civics Bee Championship.
These young champions have proven themselves through intense local and state competitions, and now they’ll showcase the civics knowledge and skills that make democracy work. They competed not just for a trophy, but for the title of America’s National Civics Bee Champion.
More than one third of U.S. adults cannot name the three branches of government, and 79% of eighth graders score below proficient in civics. The competition aimed to inspire a new generation to be civically engaged and active in shaping the future of our communities and our nation.
To date, more than 8,000 students from 110 communities across 28 states have participated, with plans to reach all 50 states by 2026.
For more information, visit https://nationalcivicsbee.com/
About YourUpdateTV:
YourUpdateTV is a property of D S Simon Media. The video included and release was part of a media tour that was produced by D S Simon Media on behalf of U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation.
Dante Muccigrosso
Director of Media Integration & Client Reporting
E: dantem@dssimon.com
C: 973.524.0104
A video accompanying this announcement is available at: https://www.globenewswire.com/NewsRoom/AttachmentNg/1b7552dd-af3c-4576-bc71-98576dbba351